Pengembangan Program Pembelajaran Praktikum Fisika Dasar Berorientasi Heuristik Terbimbing Terhadap Peningkatkan Kecakapan Akademik Mahasiswa

  • juliper nainggolan universitas HKBP Nommensen
Keywords: development of learning programs, guided heuristic learning, , student academic skills



 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengembangan program pembelajaran praktikum fisika dasar berorientasi heuristik terbimbing terhadap peningkatkan kecakapan akademik mahasiswa T.A 2018/2019. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan R&D (research and development) dengan desain penelitian one-shot case study pada uji coba I dan one group pretest-posttest design pada uji coba II. Teknik analisis data melalui analisis deskriptif kuantitatif, deskriptif kualitatif dan statistik induktif. Dengan populasi penelitian yaitu seluruh mahasiswa program studi pendidikan fisika semester II T.A 2018/2019 dengan jumlah keseluruhan 19 orang mahasiswa. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah (1) lembar observasi untuk mengetahui aktivitas belajar mahasiswa dan kinerja mahasiswa, (2) tes objektif dalam bentuk pilihan berganda dan esai untuk mengetahui  peningkatan kecakapan akademik mahasiswa, dan (3) angket untuk mengetahui respon mahasiswa terhadap pembelajaran praktikum fisika berorientasi heuristik terbimbing. Sebelum instrumen ini digunakan terlebih dahulu dilakukan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas.

Setelah dilakukan pembelajaran praktikum fisika dasar berorientasi heuristik terbimbing diperoleh lah,  nilai rata-rata aktivitas mahasiswa 84,71 ,nilai rata-rata kinerja mahasiswa 83,89 ,nilai rata-rata respon mahasiswa 88,48 dan  nilai rata-rata postes 75,57 dengan standar deviasi 9.45. Nilai ketiga observasi disebut variabei X dan nilai postes disebut variabel Y kemudian dilakukan uji t dan uji regresi. Hasil uji prasyarat data postes menyatakan sampel terdistribusi normal dan homogen. Dan dilakukan uji t satu pihak (  Dari uji t satu pihak dan uji regresi disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh pengembangan program pembelajaran praktikum fisika dasar berorientasi heuristik terbimbing untuk meningkatkan kecakapan akademik mahasiswa T.A 2018/2019. Sedangkan hubungan masing-masing variabel diindikasikan berpengaruh signifikan melalui uji regresi dengan perolehan hasil  = -64,65+ 1,65 X.


Kata kunci : pengembangan program pembelajaran, pembelajaran heuristik
                        terbimbing, kecakapan akademik mahasiswa.











This study aims to determine the effect of guided heuristic-oriented basic physics practicum learning program development to improve academic skills of college students school year 2018/2019.

This study is a development study (research and development) with one-shot case study design on the first trial and one group pretest-posttest design on the second trial. Analysis technique of this study through quantitative descriptive analysis, qualitative descriptive and inductive statistics. Population of this study are all 19 second semester students faculty of Education of Physic school year 2018/2019. The instruments used were (1) observation sheets to find out student learning activities and student performance, (2) multiple choice objective tests and essays to find out the improvement of students academic skill, and (3) questionnaire to find out students responses to guided heuristic-oriented basic physics practicum learning. Validity and reliability tests are done before this instrument used.

After the guided heuristic-oriented basic physics practicum learning done, known that the average value of student activity is 84.71, the average value of student performance is 83.89, the average value of student responses is 88.48 and the average post-test score is 75.57 with a standard deviation of 9.45. All of that three value called variable X and the value of the post-test is called variable Y, then t-test and regression test are performed. The results of the post-test data prerequisite test stated that the sample was normally distributed and homogeneous. One-side t-test was performed (ᾳ=0.05), from the one-side t-test and the regression test results concluded that there was an influence of guided heuristic-oriented basic physics practicum learning program development to improve the students academic skill of school year 2018/2019. While the correlation of each variable is indicated to have a significant effect through a regression test with the acquisition of   = -64,65+ 1,65 X.


Key words : development of learning programs, guided heuristic learning, student  
                    academic skills
