Hubungan Tingkat Kepatuhan Physical Distancing dengan Kejadian COVID-19 di Kota Medan

  • Jianni Herawaty Sinaga Fakultas kedokteran
  • Novita Hasiani Simanjuntak
  • Jenny Novina Sitepu
Keywords: COVID-19, level of compliance, incidence of COVID-19


Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, 1086 pregnant women and 302 babies died from
COVID-19 infection in 2021. The high mortality rate affecting ANC visits was seen from the decrease in ANC
coverage, influenced by knowledge, attitudes, and anxiety.

Objective: To see if there is a relationship between social distancing and the incidence of COVID-19.

Methods: This study was an analytical study with a cross-sectional design. The sample selection used the snowball sampling method, and 222 samples were obtained which were assessed using an online questionnaire via google form.

Results: The 83,3% of respondents did not obey physical distancing and 11,7% of respondents were classified as COVID-19 incidents. Data analysis with Fisher's exact test obtained p value = 0,089 (p> 0,05).

Conclusion: There is no relationship between the level of compliance with physical distancing and the incidence of COVID-19 in Medan.

Keywords: COVID-19, level of compliance, incidence of COVID-19


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How to Cite
Sinaga, J., Simanjuntak, N., & Sitepu, J. (2023). Hubungan Tingkat Kepatuhan Physical Distancing dengan Kejadian COVID-19 di Kota Medan. Nommensen Journal of Medicine, 9(1), 15-19.

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