• Untung Pardosi Universitas HKBP Nommensen
  • Tya Handayani Universitas HKBP Nommensen
Keywords: Repeability, Most Probable Producing Abality, Murrah Buffaloes


Estimation of the ability to produce or Most Probable Producing Ability is a maximum prediction in the future from the ability to produce a female animal that is calculated or suspected based on its existing performance data. One way is done by calculating the value of the estimation of production capability or Most Probable Producing Ability (MPPA) obtained from the value of repeability. Repeability is a reflection of the similarity of a trait that is repeated from the same individual throughout his life. This research aims to determine the best milk production power (Most Probable Producing Ability) and milk production (Most Probable Producing Ability) of the best twenty buffaloes at four periods of lactation. The object of the study used 80 records of one, two, three, and four lactation buffalo milk production collected from July 2014 to March 2019. Murrah buffalo data used was the data recording of milk production of each individual, which was then standardized 300 days, twice the frequency of milking, and the equivalent age of adulthood. The results of the analysis showed that the estimated value of milk production repeability was 0.38, and the alleged milk production power or MPPA ranged from 2047.37 kg to the lowest (-) to 2262.91 kg the highest (+). As well as livestock with livestock code 1474, 0087, 0132, 1542, 0035, 0022, 0033, 0048, 0479, and S 101 are cattle that have the best and highest suspected milk production power of the population studied.


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