Analisis Pengaruh Kurs, Harga Minyak Mentah Dunia, PDB Per Kapita Singapura Terhadap Volume Ekspor Minyak Mentah Indonesia Ke Singapura

  • Oloan F.s Tambunan Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan
  • Elvis F Purba Universitas HKBP Nommensen
  • Lastri Siahaan Universitas HKBP Nommensen
Keywords: Kurs, Harga Minyak Mentah Dunia, PDB Per Kapita Singapura, Volume Ekspor Minyak Mentah Indonesia Ke Singapura


The purpose of this study is to
explain the factors affecting the volume
Indonesia’s crude oil exports to Singapore,
which include exchange rates, oil prices
world crude and Singapore’s per capita
gross domestic product (GDP) by volume
Indonesia’s crude oil exports to Singapore
jointly or partial. The type of research in
this study is an explanatory research with
quantitative approach, using secondary
data obtained from Indonesian Central
Statistics Agency, World Bank, and
Indexmundi and analyzed with multiple
linear regression model using SPSS version
22.00. The focus of this research is the
volume of Indonesia’s crude oil exports to
Singapore 1994-2020.
The data analysis used in this
research is statistical analysis multiple
linear regression using SPSS version 22.00.
Test result F shows that the exchange
rate, world crude oil prices, and gross
domestic product per Singapore. Partially
there are two variables that have a
significant influence on the volume of oil
exports Indonesian crude oil to Singapore, namely the exchange rate and world crude
oil prices which negative effect, while gross
domestic product per capita is positive and
not significantly affect the volume of
Indonesia’s crude oil exports to Singapore.

Keywords : Exchange Rates,
World Crude Oil, Gross Domestic Product,
Per Singapore Capita, Indonesian Crude Oil
Exports Volume To Singapore


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