Jurnal Ilmiah Peternakan https://jurnal.uhn.ac.id/index.php/peternakan <p><strong>Jurnal Ilmiah Peternakan (JIP)</strong> merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Peternakan Universitas HKBP Nommensen. Jurnal ini sebagai sarana publikasi karya ilmiah hasil penelitian mahasiswa, dosen dan praktisi yang berhubungan dengan peternakan. Jurnal Ilmiah Peternakan menerima tulisan artikel yang terkait bidang peternakan berupa hasil penelitian. Frekwensi terbitan Jurnal Imiah Peternakan (JIP)&nbsp;terbit 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun pada bulan Januari dan Juli. Seluruh Tulisan yang masuk terlebih dahulu di telaah oleh Tim Penyunting untuk memutuskan layak tidaknya untuk dipublikasi.</p> Universitas HKBP Nommensen en-US Jurnal Ilmiah Peternakan 2721-4818 KADAR NDF DAN ADF LIMBAH AMPAS TEBU DIFERMENTASI DENGAN ARAS RAGI ISI RUMEN YANG BERBEDA https://jurnal.uhn.ac.id/index.php/peternakan/article/view/140 <p><em>Bagasse (bagasse) is a sugar factory solid waste that has not been utilized optimally. Through the fermentation process using Rumen Contents Yeast (RIR), it is expected to improve the quality and digestibility level. </em><em>R</em><em>umen contents</em><em> yeast&nbsp; </em><em>is the </em><em>rumen </em><em>content</em><em>s</em><em> of fresh cattle </em><em>that are added with</em><em> RAC (</em><em>Readly Available Carbohydrat)</em><em> in the form of corn as a source of energy fermenters in fermentation. The </em><em>study aims</em><em> to determine the level of addition</em> <em>of rumen content</em><em>s </em><em>yeast to </em><em>reduce </em><em>&nbsp;levels of NDF and ADF in bagasse pulp fermentation. </em><em>In this study used a </em><em>completely randomized</em> <em>design</em><em> (CRD)</em><em>.</em><em> There were 5 treatments namely : </em><em>P<sub>0</sub> = Bagasse</em><em> + 0% </em><em>RIR, P<sub>1</sub> = Bagasse + 5% RIR, P<sub>2</sub> = Bagasse + 10% RIR, P<sub>3</sub> = Bag</em><em>asse</em><em> + 15% RIR, P<sub>4</sub> = Bagasse + 20% RIR</em><em> and 4 replications.</em><em> The material used was 400 gr of bagasse which was chopped, mixed with yeast of rumen contents and homogenized by stirring. Put in a biodogester using a jar. The fermentation process lasts for 21 days anaerobically.The variables observed were NDF and ADF. </em><em>The conclusion from the results of this study was obtained that the value of </em><em>NDF and ADF &nbsp;​​in the treatment of bagasse which are fermented with different levels of rumen content &nbsp;can reduce NDF levels of 71.51% and ADF levels of 44.78%. The highest NDF levels were found at P0, which was 76.01% while the lowest levels were found in P4, which was 68.07%. For the highest ADF levels, it is at P0, which is 50.81 and is lowest at P4, which is 41.61%. This is because the content of the postulated microbes can produce certain enzymes to degrade the content of lignocellulose and cellulose contained in sugarcane bagasse in the form of crystals.</em></p> Magdalena Siregar Maruba Simamora ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2020-01-17 2020-01-17 1 1 1 6 PENGARUH PEMBERIAN AMPAS KELAPA FERMENTASI DALAM RANSUM TERHADAP PERFORMANS AYAM BROILER https://jurnal.uhn.ac.id/index.php/peternakan/article/view/143 <p><em>The objective of the research are to analize the effect of fermented coconut pulp in the ration on Broiler performance, and to determine the best treatment to gain highly growth of Broiler chickens in 35 days ages.&nbsp; The research used&nbsp; Complete Random Design (CRD) method&nbsp; which consists of 4 treatment levels and 5 replications with each replication consist 5 Broiler chickens. The treatmens of fermented coconut waste were P0 (0%), P1 (3%), P2 (6%) and P3 (9%). The results showed that the fermented coconut waste in the ration had higly significant effect &nbsp;(P&lt;0.01&nbsp; )on the feed consumption and body weight gain of Broiler chickens and significant effect (P&lt;0.05) on the feed convertio. The best level giving of fermented coconut waste in ration and Income Over Feed Cost (IOFC) Broiler chicken was found the treatment P3 (9%).</em></p> Herlina Saragih Markus Leardin Ndruma ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 1 1 8 14 PENGARUH PEMBERIAN BAHAN RANSUM AMPAS KELAPA (Cocos nucifera, L) FERMENTASI TERHADAP KUALITAS KARKAS BROILER UMUR 35 HARI https://jurnal.uhn.ac.id/index.php/peternakan/article/view/144 <p><em>Aims of t</em><em>his research to examine the effect of giving fermented coconut pulp to</em> <em>carcass Quality (weight</em><em>,</em><em> slaugther weight, and </em><em>carcass </em><em>percentage) of broiler</em><em>.</em><em> This research was conducted from February to August and data collection was carried out on April 27, 2019 at Teaching Farm of the Animal Husbandry</em> <em>Faculty, Simalingkar B Village Medan Tuntungan District. In this research, every 2 kg of coconut pulp was added 10 grams of tempe yeast then fermented. The design used in this research is complete random design</em><em>; </em><em>4 treatments</em><em> every treatment with</em><em> 5 replications. Each treatment has 5</em><em> headsand total chicken</em><em> is 100 </em><em>heads.</em><em>. Cutting as many 40 broiler chickens are taken in each treatment as much as 2 tails. </em><em>R</em><em>esult of the study showed that the administration of coconut pulp in large or small amounts resulted in nonsignificant effect on slaughter weight, carcass weight and carcass percentage of broiler. </em></p> Partogi Hutapea Nata Theresia Saragih ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2020-01-22 2020-01-22 1 1 15 23 KADAR NDF DAN ADF LIMBAH KULIT BUAH KAKAO YANG DIFERMENTASI DENGAN RAGI ISI RUMEN https://jurnal.uhn.ac.id/index.php/peternakan/article/view/145 <p><em>Cocoa peels can be used as ingredients in rations. However, cocoa pods contain high lignocellulose. So it needs processing efforts before it is given to livestock. One of them, can be done by fermenting cocoa pod skin with rumen contents yeast. The experimental design used in this experiment was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatments (level 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%) and 4 replications. Data analysis uses variance analysis. The experimental results showed that the treatment had a very significant effect (P &lt;0.01) on the levels of NDF and ADF of cocoa pod peels.</em></p> Tunggul Ferry Sitorus Tonggi Irawan Lumbantoruan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2020-01-23 2020-01-23 1 1 24 30 DAYA PRODUKSI SUSU KERBAU MURRAH PADA EMPAT PERIODE LAKTASI DI BPTU-HPT SIBORONG-BORONG https://jurnal.uhn.ac.id/index.php/peternakan/article/view/146 <p><em>Estimation of the ability to produce or Most Probable Producing Ability is a maximum prediction in the future from the ability to produce a female animal that is calculated or suspected based on its existing performance data. One way is done by calculating the value of the estimation of production capability or Most Probable Producing Ability (MPPA) obtained from the value of repeability. Repeability is a reflection of the similarity of a trait that is repeated from the same individual throughout his life. This research aims to determine the best milk production power (Most Probable Producing Ability) and milk production (Most Probable Producing Ability) of the best twenty buffaloes at four periods of lactation. The object of the study used 80 records of one, two, three, and four lactation buffalo milk production collected from July 2014 to March 2019. Murrah buffalo data used was the data recording of milk production of each individual, which was then standardized 300 days, twice the frequency of milking, and the equivalent age of adulthood. The results of the analysis showed that the estimated value of milk production repeability was 0.38, and the alleged milk production power or MPPA ranged from 2047.37 kg to the lowest (-) to 2262.91 kg the highest (+). As well as livestock with livestock code 1474, 0087, 0132, 1542, 0035, 0022, 0033, 0048, 0479, and S 101 are cattle that have the best and highest suspected milk production power of the population studied.</em></p> Untung Pardosi Tya Handayani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2020-01-23 2020-01-23 1 1 31 37