Pengaruh Perbedaan Ketebalan Irisan Asam Gelugur (Garcinia atroviridis) Terhadap Kandungan Total Asam Pada Asam Sitrat Dengan Pengeringan Sinar Matahari Sistim Konveksi Paksa

  • Parulian Siagian Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Nommensen HKBP University
  • Tumiur Gultom
  • Sibuk Ginting
  • Hotman Manurung
  • Eko Y Setyawan Institut Teknologi Nasional, Malang
Keywords: Dimensions, Citric Acid, Drying, Heta Transfer Convection


The mechanism of the drying process is the process of heat transfer and mass transfer that takes place simultaneously. The pressure of the water vapor in the acid gelugur is higher than that on the surface interface of the gums and air acids. Intensity solar radiation averages around 300-590w / m2 and Ambient Temperature 28,830C. The hot air condition in the drying box averages 320C. The content of total citric acid gelugur acid was 1.2787% with 3mm slice thickness and 1.3981% with a 5mm slice thickness. Drying is done from 08.00-17.00 am with a hot air flow rate of 1.5m/s.



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How to Cite
Siagian, P., Gultom, T., Ginting, S., Manurung, H., & Setyawan, E. (2019). Pengaruh Perbedaan Ketebalan Irisan Asam Gelugur (Garcinia atroviridis) Terhadap Kandungan Total Asam Pada Asam Sitrat Dengan Pengeringan Sinar Matahari Sistim Konveksi Paksa. SPROCKET JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 1(1), 44-54.