The Episteme : Journal of English Literature and Linguistics
<p>The Principal aim of The Episteme : Journal of Linguistic and Literature (E-JELL) reviews to the academic community of literary, language and linguistics studies, those in Indonesia and abroad and to provide a channel for discussion. approacches subject include the dissemination of well-conceived analysis, studies application of theories research reports material development, book reviews, critical theory, rhetoric, etc.</p> (Jubil Ezer Sihite) (Jubil Ezer Sihite)Mon, 08 Jun 2020 11:43:14 +0700OJS Analysis of Theme Rheme in Giving Ulos to Bride and Bridegroom in Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony
<p>The objective of the reaserch were to identify the types, the patternsof theme rheme and dominant used in giving <em>Ulos </em>in Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony. This reaserch was conducted by using qualitative method in which the collected data will not be created by statistic procedure. The sources of the data were utterances in Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony and the data were 159clauses of theme rheme that were analyzed by using some steps, they are segmenting the sentence into clauses, identifying the <em>Theme Rheme </em>for each clause, determining the types of <em>theme rheme </em> for each clauses, and determining the patterns and the dominant used. The findings of this reaserch were found that there 71 Topical Theme, 38 Interpersonal Themes, and 50 Textual Themes. And the pattern that found were The Constant Theme Pattern and The Linear Pattern or Zig-zag Pattern. And the Theme Rheme that dominant used is Topical Marked Theme.</p>Rindu Veronika Sirait, Arsen Nahum Pasaribu, Jubilezer Sirait
##submission.copyrightStatement##, 09 Oct 2020 19:41:22 +0700An Analysis of Feminism in Toba Batak Song Lyrics
<p>The objectives of this study are to describe the role of woman were found in Toba Batak tribeandto find out the type of Feminism were found in selected Toba Batak song lyrics.This research is analyzed by using descriptive quantitative method. In analyzing data, the writer uses Rosemarie Tong’s theory of feminism to find out the meaning founded in selected toba batak song lyrics . The writer classification three types of Feminism based on Rosemarie Tong’s theory . There are liberal feminism, Radical Feminismand Marxist and Social Feminism. In this research, the writer found 45 data of Liberal Feminism, 17 data of radical feminism , and there’s no data of Marxist and Social Feminism.The most dominant type of feminism in selected Toba Batak song lyrics is Liberal Feminism because almost all sentence it can be show how a mother in Toba Batak tribe love and care every minute of her life . It shows the reader or the listener that a mother in the tribe has done her responsibility to take care her children into the successful gate. The women is ready in doing a hard working by earning money for the need in this life. Talking about liberal feminism and role of woman is surely a woman has a very important role both in the domestic and the public work.</p>Yeni Plorensina Sihotang, Arsen Nahum Pasaribu
##submission.copyrightStatement##, 09 Oct 2020 19:49:19 +0700An Analysis of Code Mixing Found in Mtuiara Toba Movie
<p>The study is concerned with the code-mixing that consist of insertion, alternation and congruent lexicalization. The objectives of the research were to identify of code mixing in <em>Mutiara Toba </em>Movie and the dominant one type of code mixing. This reaserch was conducted by using qualitative method. The sources of the data were <em>Mutiara Toba </em>Movie and the data were 86 data of<em> Mutiara Toba </em>Movie. After analyzing, it was found that there were 86 data code mixing of<em> Mutiara Toba </em>Movie. The findings of this research were found that insertion is 74, alternationis 10, and congruent lexicalization is 2. Insertion 74 becomes the dominant type of code mixing in<em>Mutiara Toba </em>Movie.</p>Obie Amaya Pangaribuan, Jubilezer Sihite, Rotua Pangaribuan
##submission.copyrightStatement##, 09 Oct 2020 19:55:12 +0700Figurative Language In Suhunan Situmorang’ “Sordam” Novel
<p>The study is focused on figurative language that consist of simile, metaphore, personification, hyperbole, synecdoche, paradox and simbol.according to Siswantoro (2002). The objective of the reaserch were to identify of figurative language in Suhunan Situmorang’s “Sordam” Novel and the dominant one type of figurative language. This reaserch was conducted by using qualitative method. The sources of the data were “<em>Sordam</em>” Novel and the data were 108 sentences of Suhunan Situmorang’s “<em>Sordam</em>” Novel. After analyzing, it was found that there were 108 sentences of Suhunan Situmorang’s “<em>Sordam</em>” Novel. The findings of this reaserch were found that similes found is 53, the second is Hyperbole and the number of hyperbole found is 24, the third is Symbol and the number of symbol found is 10, the fourth is Personification and the number of personification found is 9, the fifth is Metaphor and the number of metaphor found is 7, the sixth is Synecdoce and the number of synecdoce found is 3, and the last is Paradox and the number of paradox found is 2. Simile 53 becomes the dominant type of figurative language in suhunan situmorang’s “sordam” novel.</p>Obet Edom Malau, Jubilezer Sihite, Arsen Nahum Pasaribu
##submission.copyrightStatement##, 09 Oct 2020 20:00:21 +0700Language Style on Gospel Sermon between Catholic And Protestant Preacher
<p>This research is intended to identify types of language style and tries to find the most dominant language style usage employed on Catholic and Protestant Preacher. The writer use Krisszner and Mandell Theory (1978). There are four types of language style; they are Slang style, Colloquial style, Informal style and Formal style. The writer applies the descriptive qualitatve method to describe and analyze all the data, because the data of this research are in form of sentences. It is analyzed by Identifying, Classifying and Making conclusion the data. The writer also note the frequency of the number of the types and the most dominant type language style of Catholic and Protestant Preacher. The language style of Catholic Sunday Service: Formal: 59 (84,3%), Informal: 10 (14,3%), Slang: 1 (1,4%) and Colloquial: 0 (0%). The language style of GKPI Sunday Service: Formal: 56 (98,25%), Informal: 1 (1,75%), Slang: 0 (0%) and Colloquial: 0 (0%). Based on the percentage the dominant type of language style is formal style. Since sermon is giving information of religion and word of God, the preacher mostly used formal style. The writer suggest for the students of English Department who want to write journal, thesis, story, especially in daily life. It is better to use language style because by using language style people know how to communicate appropriately.</p>Nova Sinaga, Arsen Nahum Pasaribu, Sondang Manik
##submission.copyrightStatement##, 09 Oct 2020 20:06:26 +0700An Analysis of Language Style Found in Ponti Gea’s Ilu Na Maraburan Movie
<p>This research entitled “Language An Analysis of Language Style Found in Ponti Gea’s <em>Ilu Na Maraburan</em> Movie” is intended to identify types of language style and tries to find the most dominant language style usage employed on the Ponti Gea’s <em>Ilu Na Maraburan</em> movie. The writer use Martin Joos Theory (1967) “the five types are Frozen style, Formal style, Consultative style, Casual style, and Intimate style. The writer applies the descriptive qualitatve method to describe and analyze all the data, because the data of this research are in form of sentences. It is analyzed by Identifying, Classifying and Making conclusion the data. The writer also note the frequency of the number of the types and the most dominant type language style of the Ponti Gea’s <em>Ilu Na Maraburan</em> movie. The writer found 5 styles, they are Frozen style is 5%, Formal style is 4%, Consultative style is 24%, and Casual style is 59%, and Intimate style is 8%. Based on the percentage of the dominant type of language style is Casual. The writer suggest For the students of English Department who want to write journal, thesis, story, especially in daily life to use language style because by using language style people can get the values.</p>Aprina Sidabariba, Rotua Pangaribuan, Rony Arahta Sembiring
##submission.copyrightStatement##, 09 Oct 2020 20:17:36 +0700The Improvement of Students’ Vocabulary of Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers (ILFS) at Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages in Uzbekistan by Applying Mind Mapping Strategy
<p>This research entitles “The Improvement of Students’ Vocabulary of Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers (ILFS) in Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages in Uzbekistan by Applying Mind Mapping Strategy”. Vocabulary as one of the part of language system, and knowing lot of vocabularies in target language will make those learning the language use language actively and passively. The objectives of this study are to find out how the mind mapping strategy enriches and improves the ILFS students’ vocabulary in Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages in Uzbekistan by using mind mapping strategy. This is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was conducted at Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages in Uzbekistan with students in level A-1 (beginner). This study was conducted at 2 cycles in which, for each cycle has 4 stages, i.e.; planning, action, observation and reflection. In this study, tests were given as pre cycle-test, post cycle-test I, and post cycle-test II. The treatments are given 3 meetings in cycle I and cycle II. Data collection was performed by observation and interview. The observation instruments are lesson planning, observation sheet of teacher and students, and assessment or teaching of mind mapping strategy as a treatment from the teacher. The study shows that there is an improvement on the ILFS students’ vocabulary in Indonesian Language as a newly learned language for students. At the pre cycle-test, the average of students is 30.62 and there are no students (0%) passing minimum completeness of mastery learning score (i.e. score 65). At the post cycle-test I is 53.79 with 37.93% passing the minimum completeness of mastery learning score. And the last test, post cycle-test II has been gotten that the average is 85.31 with 93.10% passing minimum completeness of mastery learning score. The improvement showed that there is increasing average and score of students’ vocabulary in Indonesian language. The ILFS students firstly are difficult to understand the new vocabularies of Indonesian language. It is highly suggested to enrich and improve students’ vocabularies which are used to communicate either active or passive language. </p>Jamaluddin Nasution
##submission.copyrightStatement##, 09 Oct 2020 20:25:43 +0700