AGRIVISI Journal of Agricultural Sciences (AJAS) <p>Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian (Journal of Agricultural Sciences) </p> en-US AGRIVISI Journal of Agricultural Sciences (AJAS) Pengaruh Pupuk Organik Cair Dan Kotoran Ayam Sebagai Sumber Nutrisi Tanaman Bayam Merah (Amaranthus tricolor L.) Pada Sistem Hidroponik Sumbu <p>Hydroponics is a solution to increase production due to farmers' increasingly narrow land area. The success of hydroponics depends on the nutrient sources used. A good nutrient source must be able to provide nutrients as quickly as possible and come into contact with the roots, so they are easily absorbed. The aim of the research is to find out the best source of nutrition for the growth of red spinach in the wick hydroponic system. The research method used was a non-factorial randomized block design with 6 nutrient source treatments, namely: P0 (100% AB mix fertilizer (control), P1 (100% liquid organic fertilizer nasa ), P2 (100% liquid organic fertilizer chicken manure), P3 ( 50% AB mix fertilizer + 50% liquid organic fertilizer nasa), P4 (50% AB mix fertilizer + 50% liquid organic fertilizer chicken manure) and P5 (50% liquid organic fertilizer nasa + 50% liquid organic fertilizer chicken manure). experiment and each consisted of 9 plants. The results obtained, the source of nutrition had a real and very significant effect on plant height, number of leaves, root length and total weight of red spinach plants. There were 3 best sources of nutrition and ordered from best to least The good ones are P0 (100% AB mix fertilizer), P3 (50% AB mix + 50% liquid organic fertilizer nasa)&nbsp; and P4 (50% AB mix + 50% liquid organic fertilizer chicken manure).</p> Yanto Raya Tampubolon Ferlist Rio Siahaan Hotden Leonardo Nainggolan Juan Peringatan Telaumbanua ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-10-25 2024-10-25 1 2 1 9 Perbandingan Terigu Dengan Tepung Mocaf Dan Penambahan Puree Bit Merah (Beta vulgaris L.) Terhadap Sifat Fisikokimia Dan Organoleptik Cookies <p>Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbandingan terigu dengan tepung <em>mocaf</em> dan penambahan <em>puree</em> bit merah pada pembuatan <em>cookies</em>. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan dua faktor. Faktor pertama adalah perbandingan tepung terigu dengan tepung <em>mocaf</em> terdiri dari 5 taraf: T0=100%:0%, T1=85%:15%, T2=70%:30%, T3=55%:45%, dan T4=40%:60%. Faktor kedua penambahan konsentrasi <em>puree</em> bit merah terdiri dari 4 taraf perlakuan: P0=0%, P1=10%, P2=20% dan P3=30%. Perlakuan berbagai perbandingan terigu dengan tepung <em>mocaf</em> dan konsentrasi <em>puree</em> bit merah berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar protein, warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur dan tingkat kesukaan, tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar air dan kadar abu <em>cookies</em>. Perlakuan T1P1 (terigu 85% dan tepung <em>mocaf </em>15% dengan penambahan <em>puree</em> bit merah 10%), merupakan perlakuan terbaik dengan kadar air: 2,06%, kadar protein: 6,69%, kadar abu: 0,98% yang sesuai dengan SNI 01-2973-2011 yang berlaku. Aktifitas antioksidan perlakuan terbaik adalah IC50 94,45 μg/ ml, dimana aktivitas antioksidan ini tergolong jenis antioksidan kuat karena nilai IC50 &lt;100 ppm. <em>Cookies</em> perlakuan terbaik berwarna merah muda, beraroma dan berasa khas bit yang sedikit nyata, bertekstur renyah dengan tingkat kesukaan secara keseluruhan adalah cukup suka.</p> Rosnawyta Simanjuntak Hotman Manurung Lucia Herlina Sinaga ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-10-29 2024-10-29 1 2 10 28 Pengaruh Pupuk NPK Dan Mikroorganisme Lokal Kulit Nenas Terhadap Produksi Tanaman Kacang Tanah (Arachis hypogaea L.) <p>To study the effect of NPK fertilizer dosage and pineapple peel IMO concentration and their interactions on the yield of peanut (<em>Arachis hypogaea</em> L.), a research was carried out from April to July 2023 on Ultisol in Medan, Indonesia. The study used a Factorial Randomized Block Design consisting of two factors and three replications.&nbsp; The factors were NPK fertilizer dosage {N0 = 0 kg/hectare, N1 = 125 kg/hectare, N2 = 250 kg/hectare, and N3 = 375 kg/hectare}, and pineapple peel IMO concentration (M0 = 0 ml/liter, M1 = 20 ml/liter, M2 = 40 ml/liter, and M3 = 60 ml/liter). The parameters observed were: pod production per plot, weight of 100 dry seeds, seed production per plot and yield per hectare.&nbsp; The results showed that the dosage of NPK fertilizer had a very significant effect on pod production per plot, weight of 100 seeds, seed production per plot and yield per hectare, while the concentration of pineapple peel MOL had a very significant effect on pod production per plot, seed production per plot and yield per hectare, but had no significant effect on weight of 100 dry seeds. The optimum dosage of NPK fertilizer dose was 163,25 kg/ha. The optimum concentration of pineapple peel IMO was 32,10 ml/liter. The interaction between NPK fertilizer dosage and pineapple peel IMO concentration had no significant effect on all research parameters.</p> Elisabeth Sri Pujiastuti Ino Sensius Pakpahan Shanti Desima Simbolon ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-11-06 2024-11-06 1 2 29 39